Rabu, 20 Ogos 2014

Buatmu Muslimah


Tersinggah satu blog hari ni, dan jumpa pesanan ni dari pemilik blog. MasyaAllah, pertama kali ada blogger yang meletakkan garis panduan untuk muslimah yang ingin meninggalkan komen bagi setiap tulisan...

A Quick Note To Sisters Commenting On My Blog
Assalaamu ‘alaykum,
I would just like to give a quick note to all sisters visiting this blog in shaa Allaah.
So I say; Muslimahs are distinguished from the non-Muslim women due to the fact that Muslimahs do not create any fitna. There is the hijaab of the clothing as well as the hijaab of the way a Muslimah conducts herself, how she speaks, how she behaves etc.
So it would be appreciated if sisters could follow the guidelines listed below when adding comments to this blog:
NOTE: Please do not feel offended by any of these points listed as they are only here to prevent fitna and keep this blog within the guidelines of Islamic teachings and morals. So please do not feel offended if your comments are edited or deleted, as I’m just doing what I feel necessary to avoid fitna.
1) No ‘lolz’ please.
2) No smiley faces.
3) Please don’t ask me how I am.
4) Please don’t praise me for this blog.
5) Please keep your comments to a minimum, in the sense that, do not comment as if you are speaking to me as if I am your mahram.
6) Please read this post on the issue of freemixing.
7) Please comment if it is only necessary to do so (i.e, if you wish elaboration on a certain issue, if you spot a mistake, etc. Knowledge related only.)
It would be highly appreciated if sisters could stay within these guidelines when commenting on my blog. I am only a brother like any other brother. Shaytaan comes to me as he does to anyone else. No man is free from the whisperings of Shaytaan.
Ingatan buat diri dan semua yang bergelar muslimah (wanita), apabila Allah berpesan dalam surah An-Nur: 31, DIA mulakan ayat agar kita menjaga, selebihnya DIA yang akan turunkan penjagaan kepada makhluk yang disayangi-Nya ini..
Jaga diri, untuk jaga iman

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